NLPS Staff Password Assistance (for email and computer logins)
Option 1: Self-service password change/reset
- If you have enrolled your account in the NLPS Password Reset Utility then you can reset your password via self-service. This utility allows you to change your password and unlock your account, even if you have forgotten your password.
- Click here for instructions on enrolling your account or using the NLPS Password Reset Utility.
Self-Service Password Reset
Option 2: Self-service password reset not working?
MyED Password Assistance (only for MyEd logins)
Option 1: Self-service password change/reset
- If you forgot your MyED password or disabled your account, click the button below for instructions on resetting your password.
MyED Self-Service Password Reset
Option 2: Self-service password reset not working?
Student Password Change
Please contact your school for assistance with resetting your student password.
MyED Family Portal Access for Parents and Students
Please contact your school for assistance with accessing the Family Portal.