Microsoft 365

What is This Service

Microsoft 365 is a suite of services the encompass the following tools:

  • E-Mail
  • Calendars
  • Bookings
  • Teams
  • OneDrive
  • SharePoint
  • Office Online

Who Is Eligible

All employees should have access to the majority of this software suite. Some features may be restricted to specific groups.

Where Can I Get This Service

This service is enabled for each employee automatically once hired. If a requested feature is not enabled, please submit a Service Request by clicking the Microsoft 365 Request button on the right-side of the page.

Create a New Staff Team Request Microsoft 365 Support Request

Service Offerings (2)

Create a New Staff Team Request (Owner-Managed)
I.T. will create a new NLPS Microsoft Team based on the information provided. "Owner-Managed" means that once the Team is created, I.T. will hand over its ongoing management (including Team membership, channel creation and content) to the Team Owner(s).