Working from Home



This article provides information on how to effectively work from home using District technology.



This article has been written for SD68 staff who intend to work from home.




All district WFH (Work From Home) equipment taken home will be in your care and custody.   You are responsible for exercising all reasonable care to prevent abuse to, excessive wear, loss or damage to NLPS owned equipment or materials entrusted to your care.  Report any damage or loss of equipment to your supervisor immediately.


Information Privacy and Security

While working from home, the security and privacy of the information that you are entrusted with through your district-provided access are potentially placed at a greater risk of exposure than when working at the office.  For this reason, a increased level of security awareness and practices must be exercised.  For example:

  • Exercise greater care with your passwords; Refer to these tips on password safety (link) and avoiding email scams (link)
  • Always secure and attend to your laptops and storage devices – don’t leave them unsecured when unattended
  • Always lock your desktop when stepping away from it, even for a moment: use (Windows Key + L) to lock your screen without logging off
  • Keep your assigned computer to yourself – it isn’t to be shared with unauthorized users, even family members
  • Report any loss or breach or privacy or security to your supervisor immediately.


Do you need help with network or software access (i.e. Teams, Email, District files, etc.)


Direct Access

If you are using a district laptop with Direct Access installed you will be able to access all district resources directly from your laptop (all provided Work-From-Home laptops already have this installed).   You will have access to your S: drive, H: drive, email, intranet, you do at work.  You will also be able to use all the programs installed on your laptop such as Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.

Note:  Direct Access is the preferred tool for accessing district resources at home.  It is much faster and more reliable than the RDP solution.


Direct link to MyEd is here. Use only the direct link or the logon link on the MyEducation page from the SD68 Intranet to access MyEd.


Additional Help

If you are still experiencing issues after attempting all of the steps outlined above, please contact the SD68 Helpdesk (Link)



Article ID: 5525
Fri 4/21/23 12:04 PM
Tue 5/7/24 11:50 AM